Oct 3, 2008


I just had a new idea.

It's a widely known fact that people, organisations and even governments of small nations, no matter how stubborn they seem at first always cave in at the mere sight of one single secret weapon…

A secret weapon so dangerous, so terrible you have no choice but to stop and sign it when you encounter one in the street.

I am of course talking about…

(cue cheesy scary organ music)


That's right! The voice of the people shall help my cause! I've started an online petition which will force (pun intended) Mr. Lucas into a meeting with me. Provided I have enough signatures of course. It's no use calling up Lucasfilm telling them I have to meet George Lucas because 15 people (including relatives and loved ones) also think I should.

No, I need thousands of signatures! MILLIONS!


So please sign this, and then pass it on to people you know so they can sign it too. As soon as I've reached a hundred signatures, I'll forward them to Lucasfilm. Then at two hundred, I'll forward them again, then at 300, 400… You get the drill.

Of course there's something in it for you readers as well. You people aren't going to sign something when I don't include some incentive to do so, aren't you? So here's the deal:

At every 100 entries, I'll disguise myself as George Lucas and take to the streets for random acts of mischievousness. These acts will be filmed and will get posted online in 15 minute episodes for your viewing pleasure. Now how's that for an incentive? Wait, don't aswer that. Just sign already.

In the meantime: lots and lots of filler material!